

Office space to let in Integral Business Center

Office space to let in Bucharest, office building with modern specifications, located in Pipera area, on 1-1A Pipera Blvd.


Offices to let Pipera area

Integral Business Center is an office building located in northern Bucharest, on Pipera Boulevard, in the area placed in between Pipera Bridge and the junction with Bucuresti Nord Road (McDonald’s roundabout), at 2 km from Aurel Vlaicu metro station.  

The building is part of Pipera area, as part of the extended business district Barbu Vacarescu – Dimitrie Pompeiu - Pipera. The vicinities have recorded a significant development during the late 10 years, being delivered office buildings, automotive show-rooms, commercial functions etc.

The car accessibility has witnessed a significant improvement in the last years following the enlargement of Pipera-Tunari Road to 4 lanes and the completion of the bridge over Barbu Vacarescu Boulevard. The building is placed at 600 meters distance from junction between Bucuresti Nord Road and DJ200B.

The public transport is represented by shuttle bus lines going towards Aurel Vlaicu metro station, as well as buses with stations placed at 900 meters from the building.

Integral Business Center is a modern office building, completed in 2015. The building is developed on underground, ground floor and 9 upper floors, having a total of 5,000 sq m GLA (500 sq m / floor).

The building benefits from a parking with 150 spaces.

Status Existing

Completion date 2015

Levels S+P+9

Rentable area 5,000 m²

Current floor area 500 m²

Parking spaces 150

  • Reception services
  • Own parking
  • Canteen
  • Restaurant
  • HVAC
  • Raised Floor
  • Suspended Ceiling
  • Secure Access
  • Usable height minimum 2.7 meters
  • Opening windows
  • Reception
  • 24/7 security
  • Elevator/Elevators
  • Back-up Generator
  • Multiple Data and Voice Providers
  • CCTV / Video Surveillance
  • Smoke/Fire Detectors
  • Carpet

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  • existing market conditions
  • renegotiation of contractual terms
  • relocation options
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