Offices for let / sale
Offices for rent and for sale in over 550 modern buildings across the main cities of Romania: Bucharest, Timisoara, Cluj-Napoca, Iași, Brașov, Constanta, Sibiu, Oradea, etc.
Also visit our dedicated sites for:
Offices for let, Romania
Offices for let in modern buildings in all major cities in Romania, including Bucharest, Timișoara, Cluj, Constanta, Brașov, Iași, Craiova or Oradea.
Office spaces for let in modern buildings with all maintenance services provided by the owners or property management companies.
Spaces for let in over 550 office buildings in all major cities.

Offices for let, Bucharest
If you want a larger office space or if you want to consolidate all your office spaces in Bucharest into one, you have a portfolio of over 400 offers in the capital on our website.

Offices to let, Timișoara
We have an updated portfolio of over 25 offices for rent in Timișoara, all the offers presented are spaces for rent furnished and serviced by specialized technical maintenance services.

Offices for let, Cluj Napoca
The office spaces in Cluj offered for rent add up to over 30 modern office buildings with a cumulative stock that exceeds 275,000 m2.

Offices for let, Brașov
Offices for rent in Brașov in the central area, as well as in the new semi-central business areas in the South and North of the city.

Offices for let, Oradea
Offices for rent in Oradea are offered in the central area of the city in modern office buildings, with professional administration, security and technical maintenance services.

Închiriere birouri, Alte orașe
Birouri de închiriat în alte orașe sau in zonele adiacente orașelor se află amplasate în clădirii de birouri moderne ușor accesibile si deservite de mijloace de transport public.
Why is the best office search engine in Romania?
You have access to full details for more than 550 office buildings of A-class and B-class standards located in Bucharest and the main cities of Romania. The properties available to let or for sale are described with all the relevant info: building's name, full adress, exact map location, real photos, typical floor plan, detailed description together with the main specs.
We update periodically the availability and commercial terms with the buildings' owners in order to be able to select with you the best existing options for your business requirements.
Over 550 office buildings across the main cities of Romania
Exact location of the buildings (full address, real map location)
Real photos of the buildings (exterior, access, interior)
Detailed description of the buildings (specs, facilities, features)
Typical floor plan
Mobile friendly technology
Updated availability information
Comparison tool
About Activ Property Services
Activ Property Services is one of the main real estate consulting companies in Romania, operating nationally since 1993. The head office is located in Bucharest, with two regional offices in Timișoara (since 2000) and Cluj-Napoca (since 2013).
Our company was the local partner of Cushman & Wakefield for 20 years (1996-2016) and part of the international GVA Worldwide network between 2018-2019.
Starting from April 2020 we are a member company of TCN Worldwide, one of the main international organizations of real estate consultants in the commercial segment.
Activ Property Services online platforms
The promotion and marketing service for the rental premises and buildings for which we have representation agreements are first insurance on our own online platforms.
Our own online platforms are market leaders in the fields in which they operate and present the largest offer of spaces available for rent or sale.
port Vision Extra, the new anchor store of Colosseum Retail Park, has a surface of 930 m2. Cmpnaia (Sport Vision) will open the largest store in Romania, and also the first under the Sport Vision Extra format, in the next period, but no later than Q1 2017.
Read moreA recent quarterly survey of more than 10,000 technology professionals, published by the Future Forum, found that globally only one in three employees still actually work full-time at the office.
Read moreOur collaborators
For employee and collaborator recruitment services, we collaborate with the company Morgan Sol SRL.
For presentations, brochures and graphics we collaborate with Activ Document Center.