

Offices for rent in Top Trio Residence

Office for rent in a modern building, at 10 minutes walking distance from Muncii Square, sector 3, Bucharest.


Offices for rent at 9 Dumitru Ganovici Street

Offices for rent in sector 3, at the junction of Dumitru Ganovici with Calea Calarasi and Matei Basarab streets, at 600 meters from Decebal Boulevard.

The building is located at 800 meters from Muncii Square and 700 meters from Alba Iulia Square respectively at 1.5 km from Bucuresti Mall shopping center.

The building’s vicinities include mixed-use functions: office buildings, new residential buildings, old blocks along the main boulevards, shops, restaurants etc. 

The car accessibility is easy to make from the major boulevards of the area (Decebal, Calea Calarasi, Matei Basarab), with excellent connections from the inner ring and the downtown area (Unirii Square).  

The public transport includes trolley-bus stop at just 200 meters (70,79), tram and bus lines at 2-3 minutes walking distance, respectively Muncii metro station at 10 minutes walking from the building.

Top Trio Residence is a modern building with 23 apartments, delivered in 2017, spreading along underground, ground floor and 5 upper floors. The building is provided with many facilities, such as: secured parking with Klaus and regular spaces, control access (videointerfon), modern finishes, individual heating system for each apartment, A/C in all rooms. 

Status Existing

Completion date 2017

Levels S+P+5

Parking spaces 30

  • Commercial Area
  • Own parking
  • Air Conditioning
  • Central heating
  • Secure Access
  • Opening windows
  • CCTV / Video Surveillance

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